Rubezahl The Magnificient – Daemon Prince of Slaanesh And Lord Of The Union Of The Egoists Warband

To Rubezahl The Magnificient the most noble aim is to satisfy the self. If you act in the interest of another you commit the most grievous of crimes. He was once an assault Captain of the Emperor’s Children named Rufus Sallin, a dashing warrior who did not crush the emperors enemies but removed them from existence with the deft hand of a surgeon. However the excesses which condemned the Emperor’s Children for eternity left their mark on Rufus Sallin. He was almost destroyed by the fall, the seemingly unending bloodshed combined with powerful chemical agents of alien origin burned nerve endings and destroyed the pleasure centres of his brain. He was a lost soul, trying and failing to relive all those lost glories. He wandered for millennia across the planets of the eye until he found the entity to whom he would be forever bound. His purpose became to attain daemon hood and the whispering voice guided him from slaughter to slaughter all in for one thing, himself. As he expertly carved the meat of a thousand former brothers and cousins he attracted a following. Try as he might to ignore them in aid of his own selfish preoccupation they refused to abandon him but simply allowed themselves to be pulled along in his wake. On his ascent to daemon hood Rubezahl was a changed creature. Where before he was silent now he was a demagogue, preaching the primacy of the self. Anyone could join the union but to leave meant death as did anything perceived by Rubezahl as altruism. The purpose of this loathsome murderous host became the destruction of as many living creatures as possible for as long as possible and as such set its course out of the eye of terror into the teeming imperium of man.

The Emperor’s Children Warband, The Union of the Egoists

“As he watched them rampage, he knew that their desires could never be fulfilled here. Those that survived would seek out ever greater sensations, ever greater debaucheries, they would have to keep going, on and on, never stopping, lest what they had indulged in should kill them. It would take a world of trillions to hope to satisfy such lusts.”


Hello! Jamie here. These miniatures are the first units of a new army I’m working on, an Emperor’s Children warband named The Union of the Egoists. The objective was to create models with character that reflected the Emperor’s Children aesthetic as presented in the background material. They always seem to get left behind with new chaos releases, and just painting the old chaos marines black and pink doesn’t cut the mustard, especially for the Lords of Profligacy 🙂




The idea of this army (and the miniatures in it) is to be a resurgent Emperor’s Children warband,unified under a single leader, not the divided  units peppered throughout other legions. With this in mind I am planning on creating new models for classic Emperor’s Children units and well known characters. Here are a few work in progress shots.

Hope you like the new minis and thanks for looking.

Cheers 🙂